The authentic trainer and the preparation of the training material

There is no authentic trainer who provides training material that he did not personally prepare in full

Which brings us to the differentiation between two terms which are:

Trainer – instructor


A person who teaches or offers material or a subject that had been previously prepared by another person or entity and follows advice and instructions provided by the entity that had prepared the material.

An example is the English instructor – who is a person that fluently speaks the English language and is provided with the curriculum that had been prepared by British or American institutions and then teaches it to students in order to provide them with specific skills regarding the English language.


As for the (Trainer)

A person that has their own set of practical expertise and philosophy and so prepares their own training material that fit with the training objectives that he personally prepared or planned for the training process.

This is a very big difference between being a (trainer) in the true sense of the word, or simply being a reader, transmitter, or teacher of a subject that someone else has prepared. Whoever transfers the material of another trainer or prepares other training materials to his trainees is like a “distinguished broadcaster” who reads what has been previously prepared by (the program creator).

Hence, the competent trainer uses training resources and does not use training packages

And the lazy trainer is one who asks for entire training packages

So what is the library of resources/materials that would benefit a competent trainer?


The American Canadian Board of Professional Training offers a valuable, distinguished library of resources that contains the following:

·       200+ complete presentation files on training topics in a modern attractive animated PowerPoint slides system

·       100+ trainee manuals for short workshops where any given workshop duration does not exceed 2 hours

·       Summaries of books on various topics and fields

·       Various skills analysis tests

·       A bundle of diverse training activities

·       Blank PowerPoint templates designed in an interactive way for the trainer to choose from and use according to what fits with the training topic at hand

·       A set of training programs to enhance the trainers’ technical skills


The goal of the training resource library is for the member trainer to review it in order to help him easily in preparing his own original training material

and thus, the coach ensures that he appears in front of his trainees as an authentic coach who is capable, and not the counterfeit coach or the user of training materials prepared by someone else.


Through your American Canadian Board for Professional Training membership, you are provided a training resource library among other numerous beneficial features.

Contact us now to learn more.